Gun Bros Wiki
Event Horizon
Type Heavy
Price WarBucks19
Damage 650
Rounds per minute 44
Speed -20
Found in Gun Bros 1

The Event Horizon, as mentioned by the description, is a black hole synthesizer. It has a quite low rate of fire, but it's projectiles consist of a blue-purple-black orb, which exits the gun, and upon landing, creates a miniature black hole, damaging nearby enemies. The weapon has some quite unprecedented features for a weapon of it's class. It has a very wide splash damage radius for a weapon at it's level. The weapon also has damage which is more than sufficient until larger heavy weapons are unlocked, such as the RPB11 Hyperion. This weapon, if the warbucks are available, can be a good secondary weapon until the aforementioned weapon becomes available, but it is certainly nothing to purchase warbucks over.


"The Event Horizon is a highly advanced mobile black hole synthesizer. It's black matter projectile expands, then immediately implodes, devastating nearby enemies".


A Gun can either be upgraded through attaining enough XPExperience, or by paying WarBucksWarBucks.

Stats Level 0 Mastery 1Level 1 Mastery 2Level 2 Mastery 3Level 3
XP None XP19845 XP25798 XP31752
Price None WarBucks6 WarBucks8 WarBucks10
Power; 110 123 137 152
Critical; None Low Medium High
Damage; 650 710 730 750
RPM; 44 49 51 52
Speed; -20 -15 -10 -5